The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, had amazed people around the world when he spoke fluently in Mandarin during a press conference. The question of whether English remain as the global language rather Mandarin has become a much-debated issue. There are, therefore, people on both sides of the view that argue either for or against.
To begin with, a variety of reason can be offered to explain why English will remain as the global language. For example, from how we code to how we type, much of the world’s most significant advancement was developed with the English-speaking market in mind. Standard QWERTY keyboard is designed for the Roman alphabet and cannot accommodate more than two thousand Chinese characters considered necessary to achieve even basic literacy in Mandarin. By looking at these examples, we can see clearly that English will still prevail as the global language.
Also, it is worth pointing out that it is widely held that English’s importance in the early development of modern technology has cemented its global importance today. Fifty-six percent of all online content in the world is in English. Accessing this content and drawing revenue from it requires English skills, which business and consumers alike are eager to acquire. The necessity of speaking English in a workplace has, therefore also increased the number of individuals looking to showcase their English skills for potential employers. These points have debunked the possibility of another language to replace English as the primary worldwide language.
Taking these points into consideration, from a personal perspective, without a shadow of a doubt, I am inclined to believe that English will remain as the global communication language.